Fish box testing for
airline transport

Testing to the Qantas Seafood Air Transport Regulations.

Recognise the quality of your packaging

Expanded polystyrene (EPS) boxes

Cardboard boxes

Rigid plastic containers


The quality stamp recognised by customers and all airliners

The Qantas Regulations is the only formal test standard created to ensure that fish boxes are safe for air transport. The markings associated with compliant fish boxes are also recognised by all Australian airliners as the highest quality and reliability.

This is especially important in air transport since leaking fish boxes can cause permanent corrosion of a cargo hull which the packer may be liable for.

Common fish box tests

  • Vertical impact test
  • Stacking test
  • Cobb test
  • Suspension drop test
  • Dart impact test
  • Leakage (tilt) test
  • Thermal resistance test